Sub-Saharan Africa & MENA

[It’s been so encouraging to be] in a place where you can get input, yes from mentors, but also from coaches who are just there alongside you and wishing you all the best, and people wanting you to not just succeed at planting a successful church, but people who want you to love God more. And that’s been one of the most encouraging things about collaboration.

︎ RHYNHARDT DE BRUIN, Church Platner, Gauteng Alliance, Pretoria
Regional Affiliates
CTC Africa, since its official launch in 2017, has steadily grown over the last four years to invest in local leaders across Africa for greater gospel impact. This past year presented a unique opportunity for them to develop a new training experience focused on leaders going deeper in gospel renewal. In 2020, despite region-wide lockdowns, God continued to open doors to connect with leaders in new cities like Dakar, Abidjan and Kinshasa. In cities where they have already cultivated relationships and equipped leaders, they are now seeing leaders come together across the region to consider how they can work together to multiply churches, become self-sustaining and increase the gospel’s impact in their cities.
CTC MENA is in its nascent stage as an affiliate with most activity in the region happening via RCTC’s key partner, Redeemer Dubai. Since its launch in 2010, Redeemer Dubai has helped eight new churches start across the region in Dubai, Beirut, Kuwait City and more. In addition, the Gulf Training Center, launched out of Redeemer Dubai, works to disciple and equip local Christians for ministry in their context. Over the next three years, RCTC hopes to increase investment in the work in Dubai in order to multiply impact in the surrounding region. In the long term, Dubai will serve as a convening place for leaders from across the region to be able to gather safely for training and collaboration.

Hub City
Gauteng (a province of South Africa that includes Johannesburg and Pretoria) publicly launched as a hub city in the fall of 2020, and there is growing enthusiasm for seeing collaboration among churches and leaders transform these cities. Over the past year, the Gauteng Alliance’s leadership, led by Musa Ntinga of Johannesburg, has mapped their existing ecosystem, developed their project leadership roadmap, formed project teams and established their overall strategy. There is much work to be done, and the Alliance has identified nine key audiences to focus their efforts: church planters, church leaders, future planters, township leaders, training institutions, student ministries, kingdom prayer network, faith and work, and rehab ministries. As the Alliance clarifies their strategies to reach these audiences, they will be well on their way to establishing a gospel ecosystem in the Gauteng province.
Training & Coaching
Because there is a great need for gospel renewal, CTC Africa wanted to create a training experience focused on helping pastors root themselves deeply in the gospel—hence the creation of the Immersion training program, piloted in two cities, with plans to launch in 12 more cities in 2021.
With the goal of partnering with other ministries across the continent of Africa, CTC Africa has connected with Langham Preaching through their movement coordinator, Victor Obeng in Accra. In this role, Victor has been training preachers across the continent for many years but is now eager to collaborate with CTC to ensure Langham’s trainings enable preachers to preach grace to the hearts of Africans more effectively than ever before.
Twenty-six Gospel in the City events were held across Africa, some in-person and some online, exposing 242 urban ministry leaders to a theological and practical understanding of how the gospel shapes all of life, from the heart to a church and to a city.
The Gulf Training Center in Dubai trained 150 leaders from across the region in their Core Theological Training, which equips leaders in the fundamentals of the gospel, biblical literacy and missional living.

Together for the City [co-authored by church planter and network leader Neil Powell and published in partnership with RCTC] has become my go-to tool in trying to describe to pastors and leaders around the city what it is that we’re trying to do [with the Gauteng Alliance]. I can paint the picture, but when I put a book in their hands that says this has been done elsewhere in the world, and we’re not crazy, and we’re not the first people trying this, it just actually concretizes it a little bit … And so, I guess that’s part of the beauty of what CTC gives me. It doesn’t just give me the book, but it gives me the author of the book, and a personal connection.
︎ TOBIE MEYER, Executive Director CTC Africa
Faith & Work
In January of 2021, Redeemer Church of Dubai launched Why Your Work Matters, a course developed by RCTC’s Global Faith & Work Initiative (GFWI). In attendance were 19 members of the congregation, representing eight different nationalities and multiple work industries. Through their feedback, Redeemer Dubai will help GFWI contextualize future iterations of the material.
Through the Gulf Training Center, 50 people participated in faith and work training designed to equip them to more fully live out the gospel in their work and community.
CTC MENA made progress toward a new church plant in Kuwait, a daughter plant of Redeemer Dubai via Redeemer Al Ain. Students from the Gulf Training Center will join the plant. RCTC trained the leaders of Redeemer Dubai. The Gulf Training Center (in Dubai) trained the leader of Redeemer Al Ain. RCTC and CTC MENA are so encouraged to see Redeemer Al Ain plant this third-generation church plant, even in the midst of a pandemic!

I don’t think I’ve ever understood the working of the body of Christ as well as now. And the reason for that is just collaboration. Seeing other people in the trenches with you, grinding at the same thing, desperate for people to see Jesus, that’s just been one of the most encouraging things. I will never be able to sit in a cave and miss out on all of this wealth that there is in the body of Christ.
︎ CHRISTO VENTER, Church Planter, Gauteng Alliance, Pretoria
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