Letter from the CEO
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:21-23

Dear Friend,
Not long ago, while reading Paul’s letters to the Romans and Corinthians, I was reminded of how Phoebe and Titus supported Paul. More recently, the Lord used a pastor and friend of mine to reiterate this message when he told me, “God can use rainbows and ravens, manna and miracles, floating axe-heads and talking donkeys, but his favorite conduit of comfort and encouragement is you and me.”
As I reflect on the past year and think of you, our partners and friends, I can truly say that you have been a great source of support to Redeemer City to City (RCTC) as we’ve labored to serve our global network. Many of you have lifted us up in prayer regularly, and members of our team often recount stories of interactions where you have encouraged them. Prayer is powerful, and God’s answers to many of our petitions this year have allowed us to experience much joy within the loss, heartaches and pain that our world has experienced.
In addition to all I’ve mentioned, you have been financially generous in a year of volatility. We are so grateful. Your generosity enables us to lean into this upcoming year with confidence as we invest deeply in the global work.
Not long ago, while reading Paul’s letters to the Romans and Corinthians, I was reminded of how Phoebe and Titus supported Paul. More recently, the Lord used a pastor and friend of mine to reiterate this message when he told me, “God can use rainbows and ravens, manna and miracles, floating axe-heads and talking donkeys, but his favorite conduit of comfort and encouragement is you and me.”
As I reflect on the past year and think of you, our partners and friends, I can truly say that you have been a great source of support to Redeemer City to City (RCTC) as we’ve labored to serve our global network. Many of you have lifted us up in prayer regularly, and members of our team often recount stories of interactions where you have encouraged them. Prayer is powerful, and God’s answers to many of our petitions this year have allowed us to experience much joy within the loss, heartaches and pain that our world has experienced.
In addition to all I’ve mentioned, you have been financially generous in a year of volatility. We are so grateful. Your generosity enables us to lean into this upcoming year with confidence as we invest deeply in the global work.
Within these pages, I hope your heart is lifted by how your generosity is making a significant difference. Our prayers and efforts are focused on gospel movements in major cities of the world, and your support helps that work continue by enabling us to come alongside pastors and leaders as they plant new churches, train and coach leaders, build transdenominational networks around the world, and develop learning tools. Our hope is that the Holy Spirit moves in extraordinary ways where the gospel goes deep and impacts cities, both individually and systemically.
I know this past year has not been easy for many of you. Let us know how we can support you in prayer by emailing us at info@redeemercitytocity.com. We would love to hear from you. We covet your continued underwriting of our work, but also your prayers as we humbly push forward the work the Lord has set before us. Pray that the ground softens where it is hard, that the Spirit would move in extraordinary ways beyond anything we could imagine, and that like Phoebe and Titus, we would bring support and encouragement from the things we do best to the leaders and pastors around the world.
With deep gratitude,
Steve Shackelford
I know this past year has not been easy for many of you. Let us know how we can support you in prayer by emailing us at info@redeemercitytocity.com. We would love to hear from you. We covet your continued underwriting of our work, but also your prayers as we humbly push forward the work the Lord has set before us. Pray that the ground softens where it is hard, that the Spirit would move in extraordinary ways beyond anything we could imagine, and that like Phoebe and Titus, we would bring support and encouragement from the things we do best to the leaders and pastors around the world.
With deep gratitude,

Steve Shackelford