
I would say gospel coaching, first of all, really helps both of us [coach and church planter] to open our hearts. Also, we give out advice in a more natural way by asking questions, helping them to think for themselves ... they suddenly realize what God is doing. So this is the beauty for me that I don’t have to be a savior. God can be an ultimate Savior and the solution in their life. And this takes a huge burden off of me. I found this is a great way to do ministry together.
RYUTA KIMURA, Church Planter and Coach, Tokyo
Regional Affiliates
CTC Asia Pacific (CTCAP), launched in 2009, has continually grown to serve local leaders across the region with training, coaching and resourcing for church multiplication. In 2020, new leaders from Indonesia, Nepal and the Philippines were able to connect with CTCAP for deeper gospel impact in their own lives through training and a vision for collaboration with leaders across their cities.
China Partnership, RCTC’s key partner in China, longs to see a vibrant and life-transforming Chinese church that roots itself in the gospel of grace and impacts the foundations of Chinese society as it serves and leads within the global church community. The prevailing challenge for the church continues to be intense persecution from the government. Several times through the past year up to 100 church leaders were imprisoned as an attempt to intimidate and weaken the church. Even still, China Partnership began a program for 20-25 key leaders from across the nation to grow deeper in their gospel understanding and equip them for church impact.
The South Asia affiliate is the youngest yet most rapidly maturing affiliate within the CTC global ecosystem or network. The church there is experiencing increasing scrutiny and opposition from the local authorities. Despite this, there were record numbers of participants in church planter trainings from across the nation with 155 leaders attending an Intensive and an additional 60 in an Immersion program. This uniquely challenging environment proved to strengthen the resolve of leaders to be united and equipped for the increase of gospel impact in the cities across the region.
Hub Cities
The hub city network in this South Asia city consists of hundreds of churches representing a diversity of denominations and independent expressions. The network divided the city into 20 zones or neighborhoods to deepen their local impact. Catalysts and city mentors are building out zones and empowering a new generation of church leadership in the city. The network’s cross-functional team is producing contextualized resources for church planting, coalition development, and faith and work. However, the newest waves of COVID-19 have taken the city by surprise. Many church leaders have been impacted, and it is unclear how these new developments will impact the network’s goals.
The pandemic accelerated the development of Gospel City Network’s virtual training platform. Led by Massimo Gei, Kuala Lumpur’s hub city leadership demonstrated their creativity and adaptability in transitioning their programming to a new platform during a virtual conference earlier this spring.

Training & Coaching
Right before the fiscal year, RCTC launched the fourth coach training in South Asia with 50 trainees—the region’s largest training yet. Coaching is now a central part of the strategy to build gospel movements throughout the cities in this region.
A South Asian country piloted a program for catalytic leaders from six key cities to invest in 155 new church planters and existing church leaders who received training across the country through mini-Intensives. The new program cast a vision for these trainees to work toward deeper impact and drawing the body of Christ together in their cities in the face of increased institutional hostility toward the gospel.
The quick and resourceful response to the impacts of COVID-19 enabled the following networks to offer these Intensives:
︎︎︎ CTCAP hosted a virtual Intensive in the spring of 2021. Along with staff and trainers, 69 people from 13 countries and 24 cities participated from across the region.
︎︎︎ CTCAP hosted a virtual Intensive in the fall of 2020. In attendance were 22 church planters, 7 spouses and 35 observers representing 18 countries and 27 cities.
︎︎︎ CTC Japan hosted its first Intensive in Japanese in the fall of 2020. God brought together 26 participants from all over Japan for the two-week Intensive, 5 of whom joined through the virtual setup while the rest gathered in-person in Tokyo.
︎︎︎ CTC Taiwan hosted a hybrid Chinese Intensive in Mandarin. This event trained 49 church planters, spouses and observers from across 19 cities in 6 countries. This hybrid Intensive had 34 participants on-site, and 15 joined via virtual platforms.

Even though we … had so many things planned [in 2020], all of our plans were pretty much wiped away … All of that required some agility and resilience in the work that we were doing. Suddenly trainings that we thought would be for 15 to 20 people had an attendance of 80 to 100 people because they were online. And God used it to increase our ministry exponentially.
︎ MASSIMO GEI, Executive Director Gospel City Network, Kuala Lumpur
*There are three CTC-related global affiliates across Asia.