See God at Work around the world through RCTC and the entire CTC global network.

RCTC’s work goes well beyond a set of numbers.

We’ve strengthened and encouraged thousands of existing churches, planted seeds that continue to yield more pastors, new churches, networks and even hub cities, all while connecting churches and leaders for collaboration and fellowship. We trust the vast array of trainings, initiatives and resources displayed on the following pages, only a sampling of all that was accomplished, will begin to paint a picture of the diverse and strategic work RCTC catalyzes and supports around the world.

Over the last fiscal year (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021), much of our efforts focused on our hub city strategy, supporting pastors and church planters as they navigated the pandemic, new faith and work opportunities, and expanding coaching initiatives. You’ll see many initiatives led by regional affiliates. Strategically located on all major continents, these affiliates are uniquely positioned to work with the people and cities in their geographical region. RCTC’s depth of knowledge and experience position us to effectively collaborate with and support these affiliates. We are so encouraged and humbled as we reflect on all the ways God advanced the mission this past year. Thank you for partnering with us and for helping to make all of this—and more— possible.