New York City

*The New York programs are funded by the New York Project, a joint strategy of RCTC and Redeemer Churches & Ministries.
We wouldn’t have been able to do all that God enabled us to do [provide meals to healthcare workers, deliver groceries and donate quarantine supplies to frontline workers and struggling families, help community and church members pay rent and utility bills, partner with a local mosque to provide sunset meals during Ramadan to local Muslim families in need] if we hadn’t received the generous donation from CTC. Pastor Tim Keller’s books and teachings have radically impacted my life, and the City Ministry Program course that I am part of has revitalized our church’s vision to serve our city sacrificially. We can’t thank you enough!

︎ BOTO JOSEPH, Pastor, Queens
Hub City
As the inspiration for the Hub City Strategy, New York City’s leaders continue to be a resource to their peers across the globe.
Pandemic Response
The NYP created a COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund to support struggling New York City churches. From April 2020 to June 2021, they were able to give 102 grants totaling $1.5M to more than 80 churches. This funding enabled them to:
︎︎︎ Support the community by providing meals, masks and funds for rent, utilities and funeral costs.
︎︎︎ Update technological capabilities to adapt to virtual services.
︎︎︎ Avoid lay-offs when pastoral staff is needed more than ever.
︎︎︎ Pay rent or mortgages for church facilities.
New Building
Because of limitations due to space and cost, it’s been a significant challenge to find and rent spaces to hold ongoing training events in New York City. In the fall of 2020, the New York Project (NYP) selected and purchased a building for RCM’s East Side location. This property provided additional air rights, which will enable the NYP to build a permanent training hub (finally!) for church planters and pastors while providing much needed gathering space for Manhattan church plants in their incubation stage. They are wrapping up design development and planning to begin demolition and new construction later this year. The project should be completed by the fall of 2023. The team is counting down the days until they can host their many strategic training programs at this new Leadership Development Center and are more than excited to see how God will use this facility.
8 Center-City Manhattan
13 From Bronx to Brooklyn
8 Center-City Manhattan
13 From Bronx to Brooklyn