Regional Affiliates
CTC North America’s (CTCNA’s) strategy focuses on the development of gospel movements in the key cities in Canada, the U.S. and the Caribbean. This begins with five initial cities called Resource Cities (Phoenix, San Francisco Bay Area, LA, Miami, Chicago), eventually serving 14 broader cities. CTCNA spent much of 2020 working to help pastors in the U.S. grow together in unity by building a pipeline of diverse leaders and highlighting the importance of mercy and justice in cities.
Hub City
CTCNA’s key partner in the city, Together LA, created virtual Learning Communities to strengthen church leaders from Santa Barbara to the southern point of California. Participants are future church planters who are focusing on their spiritual and character formation as they prepare to plant gospel-centered churches in the next one-to-two years. Currently, 52 emerging, diverse pastors and leaders are participating in six Learning Communities across southern California. Training in Spanish will launch in the near future to support bilingual and Spanish-speaking church plants. They have also launched bimonthly online prayer huddles for Incubator pastors and planters.

[My family and I] have been serving the Lord in the Allapattah community [Miami] … for more than 11 years. They have been difficult years, not only because of what it takes to raise a dying church, but because of the scant accompaniment of other leaders with the same vision of impacting the community with the gospel in action. Through CTC Miami, we have experienced God's support in what we do. They have been an extraordinary means of connecting with other pastors and leaders willing to join forces to expand the kingdom in the city. Together we have organized events for the community that have allowed us to create bridges of relationships. The trainings have provided powerful tools, not only for my personal development, but also for my leadership team.
Launched CTC Latino, which had held: 1. A Hispanic Incubator in New York City, Santo Domingo and Havana and will hold Incubators in Miami and Puerto Rico in 2022. 2. A one-year program, Iglesia Floreciente, that equips Hispanic-led urban churches for incarnational collaboration for the peace of their communities. The program, in New York City, will launch in Miami, Houston, Phoenix and Boston in the next two years and then expand to the Caribbean and other key cities in North America.
Launched the African American Church Planting Initiative, led by Dr. Efrem Smith from Los Angeles. This initiative has:
1. Formed the EMPOWER Initiative
2. Held training events discussing race, justice and the American church
3. Consulted and supported the launch of the Crete Collective
4. Launched the Sankofa Project.
Los Angeles
Launched five Learning Communities in strategic regions across Southern California. |
Currently developing more than 60 leaders through Learning Communities. |
Hosted 25 Learning Community pastors at the first Incubator. |
Developed collaborative church planting projects with Spanish-speaking and African American denominations and networks. |
Launched Surge Latino, a Spanish-speaking network that will train and coach church planters. |
Trained more than 200 women invested in local church leadership through a Peacemakers conference and through monthly Women in Leadership Network gatherings. |
Designed coaching, training and financial support for church plants most severely impacted by COVID-19. |
Implemented a relief program for COVID-19-affected neighborhoods to provide food and supplies. |
Established four additional centers (now 30 total) to provide legal counsel within local churches through the ministry of Together Chicago. |
Co-hosted a micro-church conference on church planting, revitalization and training. |
CTCNA Catalyst Robert Guerrero relocated to Miami from New York City to help catalyze the city movement among Hispanic leaders while strengthening the partnership between Miami and CTC Latino. |
CTC Miami gathered 116 pastors (in-person and online) for Miami pastors’ gatherings. |
Organized online prayer gatherings with over 400 local pastors. |
Identified 50-80 key leaders in whom to invest from 71 Miami neighborhoods. |
Sent relief to 100 ministry families in East Cuba. |
San Francisco Bay Area
Recruited new church planters to launch a second Incubator training in January. |
Launched two coaching cohorts with eight church planters. |
Hosted four multiethnic and transdenominational prayer gatherings in partnership with Transforming the Bay for Christ. |

CTCNA and the Latino Initiative have played a fundamental role for our ministry and the church planting work in the Dominican Republic. This support enables us to promote a city movement that is showing its results … 60 churches have been exposed throughout our workshops, 70 pastors and leaders are connected to our church planting network, 16 leaders are in the Incubator program, and they are starting nine new church planting projects ... Without CTC’s support it would be impossible to start this movement, and I believe that our country is blessed to have this support to promote the kingdom of God.
︎ FRANCIS MONTAS, Pastor, The Dominican Republic